
forty-fourth general election 2021

Official Voting Results

Number of electors and polling stations
Province or territory Population Electors on the lists Ordinary polling stations Advance polls Total polling stations
Stationary Mobile
Newfoundland and Labrador 519,716 418,226 1,199 125 157 1,481
Prince Edward Island 142,907 118,964 292 21 35 348
Nova Scotia 923,598 779,247 2,075 139 226 2,440
New Brunswick 747,101 622,974 1,560 12 188 1,760
Quebec 8,164,361 6,508,575 15,897 1,012 1,610 18,519
Ontario 13,448,494 10,492,441 21,021 1,137 2,174 24,332
Manitoba 1,278,365 931,927 2,289 314 265 2,868
Saskatchewan 1,098,352 808,175 2,066 264 222 2,552
Alberta 4,067,175 3,033,419 6,711 560 670 7,941
British Columbia 4,648,055 3,713,048 7,878 397 841 9,116
Yukon 35,874 30,482 68 3 17 88
Northwest Territories 41,786 30,519 93 0 8 101
Nunavut 35,944 21,499 48 0 16 64
Totals 35,151,728 27,509,496 61,197 3,984 6,429 71,610


Ordinary polling stations are those open on polling day. They can be stationary (in a given location) or mobile. The advance polls are open on the 10th, 9th, 8th and 7th days before polling day. For the 44th general election, long-term care and retirement facilities and other care homes were served as single stand-alone polls before or on election day. They are reported under the term “mobile poll” which was previously used to indicate the same facilities grouped together. In some facilities, electors voted using Special Voting Rules where it was not feasible to hold a poll during the pandemic.