Figure 11: Awareness of Online Voter Registration

Q10A. To the best of your knowledge, could electors use an Online Voter Registration Service on Elections Canada's website to check, update or complete their voter registration during the last by-election?

Q10B. To the best of your knowledge, is it possible for Canadian electors to check, update or complete their voter registration on Elections Canada's website?

Base: n=200 for each question; split sample. *Percentages may not add to 100% due to rounding.

This vertical bar chart shows the percentage of voters who were aware of Elections Canada's Online Voter Registration Service for electors. Half of respondents were asked Question 10A; the other half were asked Question 10B. The breakdown is as follows:

Total - Vertical bar chart (left)

This vertical bar chart (right) shows the percentage of voters who believed they could use Elections Canada's Online Voter Registration Service. The breakdown is as follows:

Total - Vertical bar chart (right)