Figure 13: Awareness of Online Voter Registration

Q10a [LEFT]. To the best of your knowledge, could electors use an Online Voter Registration Service on Elections Canada's website to check, update or complete their voter registration during the last by-election? Base: n = 600: all respondents. SPLIT SAMPLE
Q10b [RIGHT]. To the best of your knowledge, is it possible for Canadian electors to check, update or complete their voter registration on Elections Canada's website? Base: n = 602. SPLIT SAMPLE

The vertical bar chart (left) shows the percentage of voters who were aware of Elections Canada's Online Voter Registration Service for electors. Half the respondents were asked Q10a; the other half were asked Q10b. The breakdown is as follows:

The vertical bar chart (right) shows the percentage of voters who believed they could use Elections Canada's Online Voter Registration Service. The breakdown is as follows: