Results by province

1. What do I need to know to understand the election results for a province/territory?


Name of the political party each candidate represents, listed in alphabetical order; the leading party appears in bold. View the full name of the parties and their short form.

Leading (electoral districts)

Number of seats won by a party (with percentage).

Number of votes

Total number of votes cast for a party (with percentage).

Polls reporting

The number of polling stations that had finished sending in their results at the time of the last update (xx of yy). Note that the total number of polls (yy) will not reflect the real total until all electoral districts in the country have sent results for at least one poll.

Voter turnout

Voter turnout is calculated by dividing the number of valid votes by the number of electors registered to vote. Please note that the number of registered electors shown in this table does not include electors who registered on election day.

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2. List of electoral districts by province

Click here for a list of electoral districts by province (main website)

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