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2009 Aboriginal Policy Research Conference

Elections Canada partnered in the 2009 Aboriginal Policy Research Conference (2009 APRC), held on March 9–12, 2009, in Ottawa, Ontario.

The 2009 APRC was a jointly sponsored event organized by Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, the University of Western Ontario and the National Association of Friendship Centres. Its goal was to bring together researchers, students, policy makers, Aboriginal leaders and other interested parties nationally and internationally to present, consider and debate new research.

Elections Canada hosted a workshop on Aboriginal electoral participation on March 12, 2009. Panellists took a broad look at the engagement of Aboriginal electors in federal elections. Factors that lead to participation or non-participation of Aboriginal electors and potential ways to encourage and facilitate voting were discussed. A representative from the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) also sat on the panel, provided comments on the papers and discussed the AFN's election-related activities and the challenges faced by its members. The full versions of each research paper, in English and French, as well as the discussant's presentation are available below.

Elections Canada 2009 APRC workshop: Aboriginal electoral participation

Research papers and discussant's presentation

Paul Howe
David Bedford

(University of New Brunswick)

The Electoral Participation of Aboriginals in Canada

The Electoral Participation of Aboriginals in Canada

Allison Harell
(Queen's University)
Dimitrios Panagos
(Royal Military College)
Scott Matthews
(Queen's University)

Explaining Aboriginal Turnout in Federal Elections: Evidence from Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba icon

Explaining Aboriginal Turnout in Federal Elections: Evidence from Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba

Tonio Sadik
(Assembly of First Nations)
– Discussant

Aboriginal Electoral Participation

Aboriginal Electoral Participation