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National Electors Study – A voter's journey: from home to the ballot box

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Comparing the experiences of the general population and groups who face barriers to participating in elections

While the majority of voters had a very positive experience on voting day, some groups of voters were less likely to experience the same levels of satisfaction and ease.

A voter's journey – from home to the ballot box

Text version of "A voter's journey – from home to the ballot box"

Comparing the experiences of the general population and groups who face barriers to participating in elections.

While the majority of voters had a very positive experience on voting day, some groups of voters were less likely to experience the same levels of satisfaction and ease.

This infographic, presented as a horizontal bar graph, compares the experience of the general population with groups who face barriers to participating in elections (Indigenous people, new Canadians, youth (18–22) and people with disabilities). For each step of the voter journey, subgroups are identified only if their experience differed significantly from that of the general population. The indicators are presented on the y-axis and the subgroups on the x-axis.

If a subgroup is not shown on the bar graph, their experience was similar to that of the general population.

The general population scores do not equal 100% across all indicators; instead, they have been standardized to better show the relative difference between all groups. 

The data break down as follows:

Indicators Indigenous people New Canadians Youth (18-22) People with disabilities General population
They received a voter information card during the campaign 91.1% 95.4% 82.5% 94.1% 100%
Getting to the voting place took a reasonable time 98.4% Similar to the general population Similar to the general population 98.6% 100%
Meeting the identification requirements was very easy 96.5% 95.4% 94.6% 95.0% 100%
Overall, it was very easy to vote 96.5% 94.8% 89.8% 90.9% 100%
Voting took a reasonable amount of time Similar to the general population Similar to the general population 98.2% Similar to the general population 100%
They were very satisfied with the services provided by Elections Canada staff 96.6% Similar to the general population 98.2% 93.4% 100%
Overall, they were very satisfied with the voting experience 90.1% Similar to the general population 96.8% 89.8% 100%