Registered Party Quarterly Financial Returns

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Registered Party Financial Transactions Annual Return

Every registered party has to submit the Registered Party Financial Transactions Annual Return annually. This return contains information on the party's contributions, loans, transfers and by-election expenses for the fiscal year. The party's financial statements, prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, must accompany the return.

Registered Party Financial Transactions Quarterly Return

This return is required if a registered party's candidates in the most recent general election received at least 2% of the valid votes cast, or at least 5% of the valid votes cast in the electoral districts where the party endorsed a candidate. It contains information on the party's contributions and transfers for the fiscal quarter.

Registered Party Return in Respect of General Election Expenses

This return contains information on the party's general election expenses, including details of expenses for voter contact calling services.

Correcting a return

An amended Registered Party Financial Transactions Annual Return or Registered Party Return in Respect of General Election Expenses has to be filed to correct errors or omissions.

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Return Status: info 
Data as submitted - Original return as submitted to Elections Canada
Data as reviewed - Includes corrected or revised returns submitted by the agent and may include minor corrections made by Elections Canada

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