Registered Association Financial Returns

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Registered Associations Financial Returns


This database contains all the information produced by the registered electoral district associations on their financial operations.

Pursuant to subsection 403.35(1) of the Canada Elections Act, the financial agent of a registered electoral district association is required to provide the Chief Electoral Officer with the Registered Association Financial Transactions Return, within five months after the end of the fiscal period as well as other required documents including the auditor’s report relating to the return. The auditor’s report is required if the registered association has in a fiscal period accepted contributions of $5,000 or more in total or incurred expenses of $5,000 or more in total.

New rules for financing registered electoral district associations came into effect on January 1, 2004. The rules are part of important changes to the Canada Elections Act made by Parliament in June 2003.

Registered Association Financial Transactions Return

The Registered Association Financial Transactions Return must include:

  • a statement of contributions received by the registered association from the following classes of contributor: individuals, corporations, trade unions and associations (unincorporated organization) and the number of contributors. In the case of an association (unincorporated organization, the name and address of the association, the amount of its contribution and the date on which it was received by the registered association, the name and address of each individual whose money forms part of the contribution, the amount of money provided by that individual that is included in the contribution and the date on which it was provided to the association;
  • the name and address of each contributor who made contributions of a total of more than $200 to the registered association, that total amount as well as the amount of each such contribution and the date on which it was received by the registered association, the name of the chief executive officer or president of a numbered company that is a contributor;
  • a statement of assets and liabilities and any surplus or deficit in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, including disputed and unpaid claims;
  • a statement of revenues and expenses in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles;
  • a statement of the commercial value of goods or services provided and of funds transferred by the registered association to the registered party, to another registered association or to a candidate endorsed by the registered party;
  • a statement of the commercial value of goods or services provided and of funds transferred to the registered association from the registered party, another registered association, a candidate, a leadership contestant or a nomination contestant;
  • a statement of loans or security including any conditions on them;
  • a statement that provides full disclosure of financial loans for the purposes of the campaign, including interest rates, repayment schedules and the name of the lender; and
  • a statement of contributions received by the registered association, but returned in whole or in part to the contributors or otherwise dealt with in accordance with the Act.

Presentation of returns

The information in this database is presented as submitted by the registered associations. It has been organized in such a way as to permit various searches of the data submitted.

Registered Association Financial Transactions Return


The financial agent of a registered association must submit the Registered Association Financial Transactions Return (EC 20081) to the Chief Electoral Officer within five months of the end of the fiscal period. This introduction to the form provides a brief description of contents of the four parts of the form.

The parts of the EC 20081 form

Part 1. Declaration

Includes information on the registered association and the financial agent, and contains their declarations about the completeness and accuracy of the return.

Part 2. Cash inflows

2a. Statement of contributions received - details of contributions from individuals

Lists all contributions received from individuals, including the date each contribution was received, the individual's name and address, the amount of all aggregated monetary and non-monetary contributions over $200, the total amount and number of all monetary and non-monetary contributions of $200 or less, and the total amount and approximate number of anonymous monetary and non-monetary contributions of $25 or less.

2b. Statement of contributions received - details of contributions from corporations

Lists all contributions received from corporations, including the date each contribution was received, the corporation's name and address, the amount of all aggregated monetary and non-monetary contributions over $200, and the total amount and number of all monetary and non-monetary contributions of $200 or less.

2c. Statement of contributions received - details of contributions from trade unions

Lists all contributions received from trade unions, including the date each contribution was received, the trade union's name and address, the amount of all aggregated monetary and non-monetary contributions over $200, and the total amount and number of all monetary and non-monetary contributions of $200 or less.

2d. Statement of contributions received - contributions from associations as defined by subsection 405.3(3)

Lists all monetary contributions received from unincorporated associations as defined by subsection 405.3(3) of the Act, including the date each contribution was received, the association's name and address, the amount contributions.

2e. Details of contributions from an association as defined by subsection 405.3(3)

Lists the details of all contributions reported in part 2d, including the date received, the name and address of each individual contributor, and the amount of all monetary contributions to the association as defined in subsection 405.3(3) that make up the contribution reported in part 2d.

2f. Statement of contributions received - details of operating loans

Lists the date each loan was received, the name and address of the lender, the name of the loan's guarantor, the contributor class of the lender and the principal for all loans taken by the registered association.

2g. Statement of contributions received - contributions returned to donors or otherwise deal with in accordance with the Act

Lists, by class of contributor, the date the contribution was received, the name and address of the contributor, the amount or commercial value of any contributions that were returned to the donor or remitted to the Chief Electoral Officer, and the date that the contribution was returned or remitted.

2h. Statement of transfers received

Lists the name of the transferor, and the monetary or non-monetary amount, as the case may be, transferred from the registered party, another registered association, a candidate, a leadership contestant or a nomination contestant.

2i. Summary of contributions and transfers received

Summarizes the information reported in parts 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d, 2g, and 2h, including the total amount and number of monetary contributions and non-monetary contributions, and the amount of transfers received.

Part 3. Cash outflows

3a. Statement of transfers to a registered party, another registered association, a candidate, a leadership contestant or a nomination contestant

Gives details of monetary and non-monetary transfers, as the case may be, made from the registered association to a registered party, another registered association, a candidate, a leadership candidate or a nomination candidate.

3b. Statement of unpaid claims

This section of the form gives details of unpaid claims, including the name and address of the supplier, the class of contributor to which the supplier belongs and the agreed or disputed amount of the claim.

Part 4. Financial statements

4. Association's financial statements

Includes a statement of assets and liabilities and surplus or deficit, and a statement of revenues and expenses. The statements are based on the association's own financial statements prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. Supporting schedules for all applicable line items are included.

Enter Search Criteria
Return Status: info 
Data as submitted - Original return as submitted to Elections Canada
Data as reviewed - Includes corrected or revised returns submitted by the agent and may include minor corrections made by Elections Canada

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