Past results

Past results

Toronto Centre (Ontario)

Results from previous elections for this electoral district:

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Official Voting Results - By-Election (November 25, 2013)

Toronto Centre (Ontario)
Candidate Party Vote %
Dorian Baxter Progressive Canadian Party 453 1.3
Leslie Bory Independent 51 0.2
Kevin Clarke Independent 84 0.2
John Deverell Green Party of Canada 1,034 3.0
Judi Falardeau Libertarian Party of Canada 236 0.7
Chrystia Freeland Liberal Party of Canada 17,194 49.4
Linda McQuaig New Democratic Party 12,640 36.3
Michael Nicula Online Party of Canada 43 0.1
Geoff Pollock Conservative Party of Canada 3,004 8.6
John "The Engineer" Turmel Independent 56 0.2
Bahman Yazdanfar Independent 26 0.1
Total   34,821 100.00
  • Valid ballots: 34,821
  • Rejected ballots: 177
  • Total ballots cast: 34,998

Official Voting Results - General Election (May 2, 2011)

Toronto Centre (Ontario)
Candidate Party Vote %
Judi Falardeau Libertarian Party of Canada 277 0.5
Philip Fernandez Marxist-Leninist Party of Canada 76 0.1
Catherine Holliday Communist Party of Canada 159 0.3
Ellen Michelson Green Party of Canada 2,796 5.0
Kevin Moore Conservative Party of Canada 12,604 22.6
Bob Rae Liberal Party of Canada 22,832 41.0
Susan Wallace New Democratic Party 16,818 30.2
Bahman Yazdanfar Independent 108 0.2
Total   55,670 100.00
  • Valid ballots: 55,670
  • Rejected ballots: 220
  • Total ballots cast: 55,890

Official Voting Results - General Election (October 14, 2008)

Toronto Centre (Ontario)
Candidate Party Vote %
Johan Boyden Communist Party of Canada 193 0.4
Gerald Derome Independent 146 0.3
Philip Fernandez Marxist-Leninist Party of Canada 92 0.2
David Peter Gentili Conservative Party of Canada 9,402 18.3
El- Farouk Khaki New Democratic Party 7,743 15.1
Ellen Michelson Green Party of Canada 6,081 11.9
Bob Rae Liberal Party of Canada 27,462 53.5
Liz White Animal Alliance Environment Voters Party of Canada 187 0.4
Total   51,306 100.00
  • Valid ballots: 51,306
  • Rejected ballots: 257
  • Total ballots cast: 51,563

Official Voting Results - By-Election (March 17, 2008)

Toronto Centre (Ontario)
Candidate Party Vote %
El-Farouk Khaki New Democratic Party 3,312 13.9
Donald Meredith Conservative Party of Canada 2,939 12.3
Doug Plumb Canadian Action Party 97 0.4
Bob Rae Liberal Party of Canada 14,187 59.5
Chris Tindal Green Party of Canada 3,199 13.4
Liz White Animal Alliance Environment Voters Party of Canada 123 0.5
Total   23,857 100.00
  • Valid ballots: 23,857
  • Rejected ballots: 96
  • Total ballots cast: 23,953

Official Voting Results - General Election (January 23, 2006)

Toronto Centre (Ontario)
Candidate Party Vote %
Johan Boyden Communist Party of Canada 120 0.2
Philip Fernandez Marxist-Leninist Party of Canada 66 0.1
Bill Graham Liberal Party of Canada 30,874 52.2
Michel Prairie No Affiliation 101 0.2
Lewis Reford Conservative Party of Canada 10,763 18.2
Michael Shapcott New Democratic Party 14,036 23.7
Chris Tindal Green Party of Canada 3,080 5.2
Liz White Animal Alliance Environment Voters Party of Canada 72 0.1
Total   59,112 100.00
  • Valid ballots: 59,112
  • Rejected ballots: 252
  • Total ballots cast: 59,364

Official Voting Results - General Election (June 28, 2004)

Toronto Centre (Ontario)
Candidate Party Vote %
Gabriel Draven Green Party of Canada 2,097 3.9
Philip Fernandez Marxist-Leninist Party of Canada 65 0.1
Dan Goldstick Communist Party of Canada 106 0.2
Bill Graham Liberal Party of Canada 30,336 56.5
Megan Harris Conservative Party of Canada 7,936 14.8
Kevin Peck Canadian Action Party 63 0.1
Michael Shapcott New Democratic Party 12,747 23.8
Jay Wagner Marijuana Party 313 0.6
Total   53,663 100.00
  • Valid ballots: 53,663
  • Rejected ballots: 242
  • Total ballots cast: 53,905